Subliminal Messages – Over 200 Subliminal MP3s

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Subliminal Messages - Over 200 Subliminal MP3s

Do you want to change your negative self beliefs, eliminate any self limiting thoughts, and free yourself from long held patterns of thinking which are holding you back in life?

With our powerful subliminal messages you can do exactly this – in just 20 minutes a day! With our 250+ subliminal mp3s you can program your mind for success – w ver your goals are! Or if you are new to subliminal messaging you can receive 3 free subliminal mp3s and see the benefits for yourself!

Subliminal messages work as a mild form of hypnosis – gradually sending suggestions into your subconscious mind to rewrite your self beliefs, ways of thinking, and even patterns of behavior. These messages byp your "logical" conscious mind so avoid any resistance which would usually hold you back. Because of this you can develop in ways which would not be possible with conscious personal development alone.

The possibilities are limitless. You can use subliminal messages to lose weight, focus your mind on success, improve your motivation, enhance your learning capacity, and much, much more!

Disclaimer: Due to the unfair potential to influence the mind without the consent of the listener, subliminal messaging in advertising is banned throughout the USA. accepts no responsibility for how you use these albums, and although they will only ever promote positive change, they should not be played to anyone without their consent. Go to store

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