The Bankruptcy Option: Should you file bankruptcy or not? Chapter 7, Chapter 13 or neither…FIND OUT

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The Bankruptcy Option: Should you file bankruptcy or not? Chapter 7, Chapter 13 or neither...FIND OUT

Exploring the bankruptcy option can be stressful and expensive. Now you can avoid meeting with a lawyer by finding the answers yourself in this straight talk book. In 10 easy to read sections find out: 1. What is the process? 2. What do you get to keep? 3. Do you need an attorney? 4. Can you keep your house and car? 5. How long does it take? 6. How quickly can you re-build your credit? And MUCH MORE!

"As a bankruptcy attorney, the BIGGEST mistake I see is people waiting TOO LONG to make the bankruptcy decision. The SOONER you take CONTROL and make a plan, the SOONER you will be back on track. That means no more sleepless nights and trying to figure out what to do." ACT TODAY to get the info you need! If not now…WHEN?

"Every month we were struggling to make ends meet. Our payments were out of control and we knew we had to learn more about our options. The book gave us back some control." Paula Homemaker

"With my schedule I didn’t have time to research attorneys and pick several to meet. I downloaded the book and got all the info I needed to make my own decisions." Andy Fireman

"My wife and I were paralyzed about how to deal with our expenses. We thought we would lose everything in bankruptcy. Turns out that was not the case. This book showed me the light at the end of the tunnel." Randy Insurance Adjuster Go to store

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