21 Complete Workouts – TheIronNeverLies.com

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21 Complete Workouts - TheIronNeverLies.com

Dear Fitness Enthusiast and Fellow Personal Fitness Trainers, If you need an intense, fat burning, lean muscle building, training system that can be done anywhere without fancy equipment or expensive supplements that only help you lose money and not fat then this will be the most important message you have ever read in your life.

I have developed a tried and true training system, that was designed as a conditioning tool for elite professional athletes, called Annihilation:Total Body Training SystemTM. It is the end result of my twenty plus years of experience in many different training enviroments. I have learned and studied these systems and applied them to test what works and most importantly what doesn’t work.

Annihilation:Total Body Training SystemTM is proven to get lasting results. It is endorsed by elite trainers and professional athletes. This system has been used by hundreds of my personal training clients to burn body fat, build lean muscle, and improve energy levels.

I have combined my years of research and knowledge and arranged it  into an easy to follow guide that you can start using today. It doesn’t matter if you are personal trainer looking for new workouts to get results for your clients, or if you are a fitness novice ready to have the flat stomach and lean sculpted body you have been working for, this book is for you.

Every day that p es you by is one more day that you are missing out on reaching your fitness goals.

Maybe you need a plan to fit into those favorite pair of jeans that stopped fitting a few months ago.

You may even be a personal trainer who needs fresh new ideas and workouts to get results for your clients.

This Is What I Discovered I discoverd that each philosophy, each training system that I had learned and used had its own strengths and weaknesses. So, I decided to take the very best quality of each system and remove the weakest elements for maximum efficiency.I then returned to my original p ion in the sport of boxing, this time as a trainer, and what I discovered was amazing. The professional athletes I was training were getting leaner, stronger, faster, and experiencing improved endurance and stamina. I discovered that the intense short workouts provided far superior results to the long boring cardio workouts and weight room sessions they had done before.In a few short years I had professional boxers, male and female, that were breaking through the top ten rankings and even winning multiple world les.I found myself progressing from the small local venues to places like Berlin and Budapest. I learned even more great training techniques from the elite trainers of Eastern Europe that were once kept secret from Americans because of the “Iron Curtain”.I continually improved upon and fine tuned this training system. I was being contacted by many professional boxers, trainers, and even athletes of other sports to share my conditioning methods and training systems to advance their careers. It was a dream come true to see my hard work and years of studying and research pay off. Now I’m Sharing It With You I have always loved being a trainer. I am thankful every single day that I make a great living doing something that I love, helping people improve themselves. My philosophy on fitness is that it is about more than looking good in a swim suit or having six pack abs; it is about pushing yourself, digging deep to find your limits, and pushing past them.I took my experience as a trainer of elite athletes and modified the training system for regular people just like you and your clients to bring out the best in them.This training system is more than a workout,  it is a philosophy.Annihilation:Total Body Training System not only builds lean solid muscle and burns stubborn body fat, it builds confidence and self esteem that transforms lives outside of the gym. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy seeing someone lose 20, 30, or 40 pounds; however, what I really love, what drives me to spend 12-14 hours a day in the gym and stay up all night writing new workout plans, is seeing someone’s life transformed. I have seen people transform from being insecure and feeling bad about themselves walking around with their heads down not wanting to look in the mirror or terrified of a scale transform to a person of confidence and renewed self esteem that walks with their head up proud of what they have accomplished.That is why I am sharing my training system with you at a price that is lower than a single one hour personal training session with me.I want to… Go to store

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